Gallery of Romani 2th Coopworth Sires

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2007 Sires
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Coopworth Ram MNCC 99/07
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Coopworth Ram MNCC 102/07
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Coopworth Ram MNCC 147/07

SIL indexes of the above rams as at October 2008
Sire FlockSire TagDam TagDam's NLBBR/RRCurrent TagDPPDPRDPSDPGmDPMgDPW
Guide to abbreviations
NLB: Number of Lambs BornDPS: Dual Purpose Survival
BR/RR: number of progeny born / number rearedDPGm: Dual Purpose Growth
DPP: Dual Purpose ProductionDPMg: Dual Purpose Meat
DPR: Dual Purpose ReproductionDPW: Dual Purpose Wool

Click here for the 2006 2th Coopworth Sires


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